Master the Art of Writing

in small manageable steps

Practice writing

through engagement with
the content: write to learn
and write to create. 

Gain confidence

through learning to structure
your writing while communicating
your message with intent.

Hone skills

through critical thinking and
organization into effective
and eloquent discourse.

Overview of Curricula Offered


Writing Across the Curriculum across all grade levels

Humans are the only species that learn to write because this is one of the most productive ways for us to learn anything. When we incorporate different modalities and integrate thinking by association, it results in optimal learning with superior retention. WAC engages, inspires, and transfers the skills learned in Language Arts Class across all other disciplines. Writing this way empowers students to create and excel. It is the optimal approach to gain mastery and life-long benefits for students, especially those who favor science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

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This strategy facilitates integration across the complement of subjects that are studied in school and transfers directly to tertiary education. Using WAC in lessons that were designed for problem-based learning, provides students ample opportunity to achieve content mastery while exercising critical and analytical thinking skills, communicating their ideas, and writing their findings. Because this approach is well-suited for problem-based learning, it elevates students' higher-order thinking skills, and allows for gaining meta-knowledge about the knowledge they discovered. At the end of the day, not every student is destined to become an English major, and it is exactly the group of candidates who are well-positioned for careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) that reap enormous benefits. Through the use of WAC methods, all students are well practiced and positioned to transfer their writing skills to any discipline and ensure that it is curated and tailored to their audience or purpose. The long-term benefits are well-documented in scholarly articles. WAC practices are slow in filtering downwards to secondary- and elementary level education.

Overall, Write Across the Curriculum fosters academic growth, critical thinking, effective communication, and transferable skills. By integrating writing into various subject areas, educators help students become more proficient and confident writers while deepening their understanding of subject matter across the curriculum.


Institute for Excellence in Writing

IEW is the #1 award-winning home school writing curriculum that has found a footing in public and private schools too. Its Structure and Style for Students® is an excellent option to mobilize writers. It works well for those who seem to avoid writing activities. Three different levels of the core IEW Curriculum are offered here. Consisting of nine-unit studies, it provides a structure that scaffolds students while teaching stylistic techniques to enhance assignments. All IEW classes include FixIt! Grammar. All classes offered here augment the IEW curricula with poetry analysis and memorization as well as Latin and Greek root word studies.

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The Institute for Excellence in Writing authored an award-winning curriculum, built on the life-long work of Mrs. Anna Ingram. This is the Blended Sight and Sound System for teaching phonics that was adopted in Canada for which she received the Order of Canada. Her nephew, Prof. J. B. Webster who taught at a university in Nova Scotia became quite a drawcard for students that wanted to learn how to write although his expertise was in African history. Mr. Pudewa is a teacher and entrepreneur who updated and commercialized the work of the aforementioned. IEW's methodology consists of nine-unit studies and are acclaimed among homeschool- and public-school teachers.

Creative Writing - Unlocking the Power of Expression

Powerful Paragraphs

Students are led to explore different styles of paragraphs that are used for specific purposes. Intent in writing is considered in every project, and students learn its cardinal importance, ultimately responsible for the effectiveness of the discourse. Learning how to write thirty different types of paragraphs opens a floodgate of possibilities for selecting the most appropriate structure applicable to every task. Students who completed this writing and moved into notable tertiary institutions reported that they attributed their writing successes to possessing these thinking and planning skills.

Writing for College and Beyond

The Bedford Reader

Students in their senior year, destined for college, can arrive well-prepared for writing that awaits. The study of The Bedford Reader and Student Companion for the Bedford Reader can be thought of as a journey grounded in critical and analytical thinking with ample inference, synthesis, evaluation, and reflection across diverse genres. The multitude of texts included provides practice for critical reading, thinking, and writing activities while honing classical rhetoric principles all at once!

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The student workbook scaffolds the academic environment with practical insight into how to succeed in college by building confidence, implementing time management strategies, and avoiding common distractions. Journaling at this level and how to keep it organized are practiced weekly in the workbook and in a separate log.

All School Levels Offered

Elementary School
Elementary School

Young learners gain confidence in their ability by completing short assignments that build valuable skill.

Grammar and root word vocabulary are included in all classes.

Middle School
Middle School

During these years students hone and expand their skillsets with additional focus on critical thinking and integrating functional grammar structurally.

Root word vocabulary study expands academic horizons.

High School
High School

Students prepare for reading and writing tasks needed for tertiary level study. Expansion of critical thinking and fallacy free logic become a sharp focus. 

Continuation and integration of roots words vocabulary and functional grammar skills mature to be powerful writing tools.

Pricing for English Writing Classes

We offer personalized, face-to-face Zoom-based lessons for elementary to high school students. Our extended class durations and interactive approach ensure exceptional results. Office Hours are available for extra support. See our 5-star testimonials below!
New Families can experience this firsthand by booking for a Trial Class where parents can join for a Q&A session after the trial.

 Why Choose Alta's Classes?
Trial Class

One hour live trial lesson to explore your specific needs.

Trial lessons


Zoom lesson

Overview of various courses

Social and Emotional Improvement

Poetry example

Root Word Vocabulary example


Writing practice

General Q & A

Weekly Cohort

Online interactive weekly classes with individualized grading and feedback.

from $110 per month


Zoom once a week

Online course access

Social and Emotional Improvement


Root Word Vocabulary



Individualized teacher feedback

Individual Lessons 

For students requiring individual tuition or parents who need additional assistance.

from $45 per lesson


Individual zoom session 

Online course access

Social and Emotional Improvement

1-to-1 meeting

Catch-up lessons

Learning recommendations

Optional  guidance for parents

Growth plans

Why do my classes stand out from the crowd?

I always strive to go above and beyond to provide a one-of-a-kind English writing course, designed for optimal nurturing of all kinds of minds. As a veteran homeschool parent, I fully understand the desire to acquire excellent instruction for your children, and that is exactly why I created the best-of-breed and inspiring course offerings that is a distinctive and comprehensive approach to writing education.

1. Personalized, Face-to-Face Interactive Learning:
Unlike many other course providers that rely on impersonal webinar-style tuitions, I believe in the power of face-to-face interaction. My weekly Zoom-based lessons are designed to be engaging and interactive, allowing your child to voice their opinions and have direct access me, fostering a strong teacher-student bond and also as a valued member of the class community.

2. Extended Class Duration for In-Depth Learning:
Spending an hour in a lesson equates to approximately 0.03% of a student's waking hours during a week. The quality of class instruction and how well students synthesize new material is directly related to how productive the remaining 0.97% of the week would be. It is for this reason that class durations here are extended to 85 minutes and beyond. The extra time allows students to start writing assignments during class and ensures that your child has ample opportunity to engage, ask questions, and actively participate in their own learning process.

3. Office Hours for Additional Assistance:
Every child has their own pace of learning. That's why I offer exclusive Office Hours, giving students who need additional intervention the chance to book extra one-on-one time with me. This additional support ensures that your child receives the help they need, when they need it, and excel in their writing journey.

4. Stellar Testimonials from Happy Parents and Students:
Don't just take my word for it - my long list of 5-star testimonials and the success stories of my past students who attained excellent outcomes at tertiary level, speaks volumes about the quality instruction that you can expect from me.

5. Expert Guidance from Passionate Educators:
As the owner and sole teacher of Alta's Classes, I am dedicated to providing the highest level of education to each and every student. With years of experience and a passion for teaching, I take a personalized approach to cater to the unique needs of every young writer, ensuring they reach their full potential.

6. The Cost of Investing in Your Child's Future:
While I understand that my fees may be higher than some alternatives, it's essential to recognize the value of receiving instruction that are integrated across the supporting pillars of language arts study:

  • Critical thinking skills
  • Poetry study and analysis
  • Latin and Greek root word instruction
  • Grammar studies
  • Writing with intent and purpose

By enrolling your child in my classes, you are investing in their future and providing them with the tools to excel not only in writing but also in their future academic and professional endeavors. In addition, I provide content on my Learning Management System that is available 24/7.

We understand that choosing the right English writing course is a significant decision for your child's academic and personal growth. With our trial class and parent Q&A session, you can witness the magic we have to offer before making a commitment. We are confident that your child will find joy and inspiration in the world of writing at Alta's Classes.

Join my growing community of young writers and give your child the gift of exceptional writing skills. With my personalized attention, engaging lessons, and dedicated Office Hours, students flourish as confident and creative writers.

Enroll your child in Alta's Classes today and let their writing journey begin!

Student and Parent Testimonials


Mrs. Alta exceeded our expectations as she taught our children all the skills of Grammar, Vocabulary, and Writing. She utilized very effective techniques and used very interesting stories tailored to capture the interest span of each child. But what is also special is her ability to guide and teach our children on how to expand their focus and become independent learners while inspiring a Godly character.

About five years ago, when we were desperately searching for an English tutor familiar with the IEW curriculum, we met Mrs. Alta. My wife and I are not native English speakers, and our oldest child was falling behind. After our initial meeting, we quickly connected with her expertise and philosophy of teaching, soon realizing how fortunate we had become in finding her. Her deep knowledge, expertise, and talent to personalize her instructions to each one of our children was amazing.